I have been busy on a new job, actually socialising and living life recently, but got back to doing some updates for the Flow to Visio tool. The main description is updated here but I will just highlight the changes.
Comments on Flows are a new, preview, a feature recently announced at Ignite November 21. It only allows for comments in flows stored within a dataverse environment but is a great feature to collaborate with your fellow developers.
I have introduced Comments as an option within the Options Menu, to allow you to add them or not.
Community Updates
There is always that annoying friend, who thinks they are helping with coming up with good ideas. MCJ is that friend for me. He created several requests for improvements and these, along with others were released altogether.
This build includes
- Reduced the border to the bottom edge and corrected a few dimensions (Jonas Rapp) 🤘🏼
- SQL Actions with appropriate actions (Matt Collins-Jones) 👏
- Append to String etc use proper icons (Matt Collins-Jones) 😤
- Open file after creation (Matt Collins-Jones) 🤬
- Multi-Select for creation of Visios (Michael LaMontagne) 👍🏽
- Options drop-down for concurrent, tracked properties and many more 😍
P.S. Thanks to Carina for nagging me to do this post.