Santosh, he of Role Documenter fame, highlighted to me that one of his tools has fallen by the wayside. He is a busy man and has not found time to keep this tool up to date. XrmToolBox and the underlying Microsoft tooling, has changed quite significantly over the years; like any software project, it needs to be updated regularly to keep in line. I have helped him out bring the tool back and this post is a walkthrough of it in use.
Role Replicator allows a user (If you have the correct permissions) to select a user and duplicate their roles, teams and queues to one or more other users.
Role Replicator is an XrmToolBox that has not been updated for a while, I brought it back to life.
Open the tool and select the source user. On the left side, each list shows the roles, teams and queues for the selected user.
Select one or more users to copy the role to using the Select check boxes. Define what you want to copy, using the option buttons highlighted in red. Then finally, hit the Run Copy button.
You will be prompted to confirm the change, listing who you are going to be updating and what you are going to do.
After a while of watching the spinning blue circle, you will get a prompt that is all succesful!
Make sure you check the changes you have made to confirm we didnt break anything!